Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Care Force Chronicles: Baltimore Edition

To say that October 28th was a windy Tuesday in Baltimore would be an understatement – ask Team Care Force (TCF) SCM Allison Goldstein about her salad that Baltimore’s inner harbor took! Flying salads aside, as the team settled into our new (temporary) home in downtown Baltimore, we awaited with great anticipation some support, in the form of six CMs (and one SCM) from City Year Washington D.C. and City Year Greater Philadelphia.

Later that evening, united with our comrades in service, we carbo-loaded in Baltimore’s Little Italy in preparation for a powerful week of difference-making at Morell Park Elementary/Middle School!

The next morning, we arrived at Morell Park bright and early, armed with can do-attitudes and enough tape and tarp to cover the cafeteria and front hallways of the school; which, consequently, is exactly what we did that (not quite so windy) Wednesday.

On Thursday we re-visited those very same hallways, to do some serious priming over a yellow hue similar to that of Mountain Dew –yes friends, that was a shameless Pepsi shout out! TCF SCMs were joined by Dorothy Wong, Alison McGil of CYGP and Matt Ware of CYDC; TCF SCM Tom Wingert sliced and diced on the miter saw outside with the help of CYGP’s Claire McEachern, Dave Weinstein, and CYDC’s Kellen Singleton.

Friday’s prep began with a little silliness, as the team donned some fake mustaches to breakfast at the hotel (in celebration of Halloween). We carefully avoided crumbs, but gladly accepted confused glances from other travelers- apparently business travelers in Baltimore do not dress up on Halloween.

The students and teachers got a kick out of the mustaches; while Joel might have scared small children with his creepy dark glasses, black wig, and black mustache -- although, to be fair, the man who delivered topsoil seem unsettled by Amy’s gray mustache and mini sombrero.

After a hard day’s work, the team enjoyed a nice seafood dinner on the waterfront downtown, per Tom’s suggestion. HQ’s Jaimee Goodman joined us for what turned out to be quite a memorable meal. The food was delicious, yet could not compare to our server who surprised us with his patriotic introduction (insert AmERICa joke here) and offbeat personality. We parted with Eric after he inconspicuously (lest his manager see) offered us (sweet) Obama T-shirts he was selling from his car.

The team woke early on Saturday, eager for a full day of community service with CSX and Morell Park volunteers. Caffeine and music prepared us on our drive to the school, though no one’s energy seemed to match that of Joel’s on this particular morning.

Guided by a powerful morning program, in which CSX representative Tori Kaplan presented the school’s principal with a $10,000 check to make various repairs to the school, including replacing the gym floor, the team led volunteers through an inspirational day of service.

Our friends from Philly and D.C. complimented TCF well, and successfully lead over 50 volunteers through a truly transformative day. We completed many projects over the course of a few hours, which entailed: painting the front hallways; painting the cafeteria; re-painting a mural of the school’s mascot (an eagle); building five cubbies and five bookshelves for classrooms; painting four large murals in the gym; building eight mural benches; and building and filling ten garden plots (with signs for each grade in the school) with soil.

The team left Baltimore energized by our service, yet still unable to match Kellen’s D.C. hype. CYZ spoiler – get ready for site shout outs, because D.C. is bringing the heat!

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