Friday, January 9, 2009

Nashville, TN Chronicle (Trip #2)

by David Alexander

On the cold Sunday morning of October 12, the Special Forces of Idealism formed at Logan International Airport, ready to continue our long journey toward idealism perfection. After an hour layover in New York City, we landed at the Nashville International Airport ready to serve. We proceeded to pick up our rental vehicle, and off we were to the Hotel Preston. Upon checking in at the hotel, many of us took full advantage of the unique offer of pet fish and lava lamps for our rooms. Let's face it; no hotel room is complete without a fish and lava lamp. We then went into to downtown Nashville to snack on some mean barbeque that would hopefully hold us over until dinner. Later that night, we were accompanied by “the Great” James Simmons for dinner at the famous Loveless Cafe. The meal included some authentic and delicious southern cuisine, as well as the greatest biscuits any of us have ever had.

The next day we pulled up in front of the Andrew Jackson Boys and Girls Club ready to begin our prep work, the initial step necessary in our quest to transform yet another neighborhood center. The team noticed that this particular Boys and Girls club was right in the middle of a housing project, which made this project's success seem all the more crucial. Some of the prep work included cutting wood, taping and tarping several rooms in the center, and sketching out murals. The first day was laid back and the stress level remained low, but little did we know, as is the natural course of many of our events, it would only get crazier from there.

As Team Care Force member Allison Goldstein was cutting wood the next day, a man approached her, asking politely if she could cut off his arm with her circular saw. Although he boasted “excellent” health insurance, she had to turn him away. Although he did not know it at the time, he would go down as the most interesting addition to the many stories we have already amassed this year. As the day continued we could tell that we were making our mark around the neighborhood, due to the many questions posed by the neighborhood’s residents. In the back of the center Team Care Forces members David Alexander, Hugh Harlow and “the Great” James Simmons pulled pipes out of the ground and mercilessly ripped them in half with a sawzaw. The last day of prep was intense, as we moved 100 LB railroad ties, sketched a giant W.E.B Du Bois mural, and sorted tools and materials for the big day. At the end of the day, the team was confident that the event was going to go well. We left the center that night with our heads held high. David even hoisted his hammer proudly about his head, reminiscent of Thor preparing for battle against the giants.

Soon enough the event day was upon us, but it was turning out to be a dark and nasty day, bound to be filled with rain. As the team poured paint and the PT crew prepared for the opening ceremony, we got ourselves in place to greet the volunteers whom were to change this neighborhood for the better. As the volunteers arrived, we jumped and cheered to get them in the right frame of mind, and they returned the favor. The opening ceremony included some of the best PT ever performed and a speech by the director of the Boys and Girls Club, Marcus, whom, after a request to the volunteers, received a rock star’s welcome. Service started off crazy-busy, with volunteers working on landscaping, repainting basketball courts, painting murals in several rooms and a creating University of Tennessee themed T-Mobile Huddle Up Zone. Before long, service came to a close and yet another mission had been completed. The team then put on the finishing touches while Joel Shuherk ensured that the children in the Club’s afterschool program were well versed with City Year’s “fired up” call and response. That night, we had our wrap-up dinner at the Boogie Bar in downtown Nashville and celebrated yet another successful service event!

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